breakdown is a game about trying to complete you daily task of pushing blocks while your robotic body malfunctions and rebels against you.


  • hand-crafted sprites!
  • robots!
  • thinly-veiled criticisms of the mega-corporation dominating our lives!
  • boxes!
  • metaphors for mental illness!
  • no music! i didn't have time for music :( maybe i'll be able to add it later

it was created over about 10 weeks in the course of a class at Northwestern University. 

this game has been released, so this line of text has changed. you can play it in your browser here (or up at the top of this page; i hadn't figured out how to embed it here when i wrote this sentence):


  • ↑: move up
  • ↓: move down
  • →: move right
  • ←: move left
  • z: place your green target
  • x: place your blue target
  • a: swap whatever is on top of your two targets
  • s: deliver the boxes in the red-bordered delivery zone

about the creator

twopercentwren is a student who enjoys making games. you can contact them at


this game was made with TIC-80

the color scheme for this itch page uses the default TIC-80 color palette, Sweetie16, which was made by GrapxKid

Saint11 and Pixel Logic were very helpful for learning how to create the sprites

Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom was a great resource for programming and structuring the game

and of course, the lovely people who playtested my game, who i will list here only if they ask me to

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